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CARA, 2018
The Morse Codes: BREATHE, 2018
The Morse Codes: ALONE, 2018

Text, Image and Sound is a project exploring relationships between words and images visually, psychologically or both through experimenting with perception and conception. Works are developed to establish a mode of communication while considering the notions of semiotics. The project is split into two parts: a group collaboration to create an "artist book", and an individual project that may relate to the collaboration theme/topic. 

Cara is the result of our group’s collaborative book. We created a character, Cara, and her personal journal. This work was created to raise awareness about mental health, and throughout the journal, one can see the emotional ups and downs, and how hard people try to feel btter. At the end of the journal, there is a folded up letter from Cara’s best friend, and reading it makes one wonder what happened to Cara in the end. 

Choosing to continue the focus on mental health, I worked with the theme of self-reflection while borrowing the idea of encryption using Morse code as my main subject. I have created works with the intention to mislead, and to evoke multiple thought and emotional changes when being viewed. The works in this project gallery are also heavily based on my personal experiences during my darkest times, so I wanted the works to feel vulnerable as well. 

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